June 10, 2016
Manchester United eSports Overwatch Team
Manchester United eSports Overwatch Team Really? Wow? Did you hear the news? It looks like the big Premiere League Giant is going into esports. After Schalke 04 was the 1st team that got into esports now Manchester United is doing the same. If the reports of Esports News UK are true, Manchester United is bidding on a Overwatch Europe team. They are bidding over the giant Fnatic and an other team that is unknown. But what does this mean for the industry and for esports? Are we really gonna see big names like Real Madrid, Barcelona playing competitive esports? Its just unbelievable.What does this mean for the future of eSports? What impact will it have? Will we have José Mourinho too?? lol. Lets see what happens in the future.
You can read the full article HERE
Manchester United eSports Overwatch Team pernime? Wow? A e keni ndi kit lajm? Si duket ekipi i madh i Premiere League po don me marr hapa ne drejtim te esports. Pasi qe Schalke 04 ishte ekipi i pare qe hyri ne eSports tani edhe Manchester United po bon levzije te njejte. Nese raporti prej Esports News UK eshte i vertete, Manchester United eshte duke bo bids per nje Overwatch ekip te Evropes. Ata jan duke u shty me bids me Fnatic dhe nje ekip tjeter qe nuk dihet ende. Po cka pi bjen tash ky lajm per eSports? A pi bjen qe pernime kena mi pa Real Madrid, Barcelona ty luj esports competitive loja? Spom besohet qe qikaq shpejt u bo ky hap. Cka pi bjen kjo per te ardhmen e eSports? Cfare impakti ka me pas? A vjen more edhe José Mourinho si trener? Lol. Te kqyrim cka po ndodhe ne te ardhmen.
Mundeni me lexu artikullin prej Esports News UK full KETU.