Just Dance 2017 features Era Istrefi`s Bon Bon


The sucess of Era Istrefi and her track Bon Bon is not stopping. Just found out that her song is featured in the Official Track List of the ” Just Dance 2017 “. The Game is very popular  and a feature of the single in a game like this will for sure bring allot more traffic for ERA and more success! You can view the official video from Just Dance`s Youtube channel below.


Suksesi i Era Istrefit edhe kanges saj Bon Bon se ka ndermend me u ndal. Sa e morra vesh qe konga e saj ka hy ne Official Track List te lojes ” Just Dance 2017 “. Loja eshte shume e popullarizume kshtu qe edhe vet pjessmarja e ksaj konge ktu ka me qene sukses i shtuar per Eren edhe kogja ala traffik per to! Mundeni me pa videon oficiale nga Youtube kanali i Just Dance me larte.