Free Ubisoft Games from Ubi 30


Free Ubisoft Games , yeap its true! At E3 Ubisoft has announced that as a part of their Ubi 30 celebration that celebrates the 30th birthday of Ubisoft they will be giving one free game each month.
They start with with Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, it is a 2003 game but its a pretty awsome one, plus it is free. You can get it and leave it on your uPlay account there why not.
I assume we will have something from Tom Clancy in the future, and maybe a really new AAA title just to pump things up? Probably we will se a Assasins Creed title there also in the upcoming months.

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Free Ubisoft Games po eshte e vertete! Ne E3 Ubisoft ka prononcuar se si pjese e Ubi 30 festes qe organizojne me rastin e 30 vjetorit te Ubisoft do te dhurojne nga nje loje free cdo muaj.
Ja fillojne me Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, qe eshte loje e 2003 por kogja kogja e mire, plus osht free, pse jo! Mundeni me marr edhe veq me lone me ndejt ne account uPlay, pse jo.
Po ma merr menja qe kena me pas dicka edhe prej Tom Clancy ne te ardhmen, ose ndoshta edhe naj AAA titull veq me dhez kete feste ma shume? Gjithashtu ma merr menja qe naj titull prej Assasins Creed ka me qene aty merna ne muajt e ardhshem.

Mundeni me marr lojen free KETU